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my answer is 5
Gift no.5
Gift 4
I pick 5
This contest is now finished and it's time to give Pup his gifts 🎁
I've X-rayed the gifts and this is what Kitty has put in them all...
Box 1 has the treats! 😻
Gift 2 is the bomb, oh no! 🙀
Number 3 is the wooden cage 😿
Box 4 has the bricks (it does look a bit heavy!) 😹
Bubbly soap is in gift 5 😸
And Gift 6 is the books 😺
Five participants will win 30 gold bars for Pet Rescue Saga and our first winner...the only one to guess the correct gift, box 1, is @Amoonmoon 😀 Congratulations, you're not bad at guessing after all!
So, the next 4 will be those who guessed the next best gift of books, in gift number 6 😺
@MiladyR and
The gold bars will be in your games soon - except @Jelly_bean_hearts , I'll need your game ID first, thanks 🙂
Game ID
Congratulations to all of lucky winners! Enjoy your happy having gold bars on this game now! 🎉😄
Congrats everyone! 😁