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Hi @Lady_Choo and @Lynette
Hello @Lady_Choo! My answers to your questions are 👇
A. Run a marathon
C. As many as you can! Sky is the limit, or should we say the Petopia's icy sea is the limit!
B. Post your City view
@Lady_Choo It's Christmas eve about 10:25 pm or so and fast asleep my son is waiting on Santa to come, although he still believes in Santa he knows that I lost the feeling of believing in him as I told him around the age of 12, but it was much earlier in my life.....the greatest gift is one tonight as I peaked into my stocking there was a hand written note that read...Dear Santa Claus my dad is the best dad in the world, he is a great dad he is nice to me and my friends, he plays with me all the time and let's me go and visit my friends and them come here to my house and he don't get mad when we mess up the house is there any way you could just leave him 1 present he still tells me that your the best in telling who's good or bad so don't you think he is good to me. Love Brandyn
I cried a little, and put in a gift my sister got me that he didn't know about....hope Santa appreciates that 🙂♥️💯
@Lady_Choo My answers:
A c b
@Lady_Choo my answers: