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any proplem with pet rescue saga and other king games

i play on facebook yesterday i got you are currently offline and pet rescue saga wont load at all yet my other king games say the same thing but load and i can play them, pet rescue saga is the only one that wont load this is a screenshot of what i get when im loading any of the king games



  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,394

    Hi @Tonya_Scanlon sorry for the delay. Were you connecting through Facebook?

    I know they have been trying to fix the game so it could have been that if it is working now.

  • yes i was connecting through facebook i know there was an issue bout a wk prior to this which got sorted and was playing until 2 days ago but now i get that you are currently offline and game wont load all the other king games i get the same pop up but they all load, just 1 wont let me ask for lives or send lives and 1 doest give me the daily gift Lady_Choo. So sorry i seemed to of asked twice dont know how that happen

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,394

    It might be just an issue with the browser, have you tried clearing cache and cookies and using a different browser?

  • tried all that but still the same im always clearing cache and cookies daily sometimes 3 times a day, i did try a different browser but got the same

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,394

    Ok. Which laptop/windows version is it? Just in case it helps the team.

  • its a lenovo windows 10 ive even tired in cognito mood

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,394

    @Tonya_Scanlon apologies for the delay, the CM wanted to know if its still happening?

    It might be related to Petopia issues if so.

  • Unfortunately I'm unable to check due to not having a computer at mo should be back in next 2-3 weeks

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,394

    Ah no to the lack of computer but at least Petopia will be done then and hopefully the game will be working properly.

  • finely back i went into game last nite and was still the same so hopefully it is due to Petopia, just wondering if it might be due to ghostery as i have that installed to block trackers which it has done since installing it Lady_Choo and if thats the case then maybe as games like candy crush can work fine using that i know its a different game but maybe the other King games including this one should be able to work with it

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