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I like the new design because it is easy lookable and clearer
Holaaa no me gusta el nuevo diseño del juego.
Parece para niños pequeños...no os parece que el diseño anterior estaba mejor?
Hating the new design. It looks like it's been done by a 5 year old... Sorry
please, back old version!!
I am not enjoying the new look. Am just playing a level with the butterflies and they’re so rounded it’s difficult to tell when they’re away to fly! The whole new design has a very childish look to it and it’s actually more difficult to play. Please go back to the original look
I have joined this community just to say how much I hate this new design. I play this game everyday and one of its qualities is its calming easy on the design. This new design is childish, shiny, and oversized. I hate it, and while I will try and get used to it - but I feel the changes are not for me. To misquote Douglas Adam’s, “so long, and thanks for all the pups”
I just registered to be able to come and say that I am unloading this game because of the changed just implemented. The shape and color of the blocks make them hard to see and differentiate. Those who say they look designed for toddlers was spot on. I cannot get through one puzzle without a headache. The game has diminished, not improved. Goodbye.
am guessing despite all the negative comments you are ignoring it and want people to hurt their eyes playing this. Please confirm so that I like so many others can just delete the game instead of hoping for common sense to prevail
Hi, please read and comment in the linked thread: New Design in Pet Rescue Saga
Hi, please read and comment in the linked thread: New Design in Pet Rescue Saga