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我完成了第 7663 關,它表明我已完成該關卡,當我單擊“下一步”時,它沒有給我提供玩第 7664 關的選項,它只給我再次玩第 7663 關的選項。我又玩了一遍,又完成了一遍,仍然沒有進入7664級,它一遍又一遍地告訴我要玩7663。有其他人遇到這個問題嗎?這遊戲是否出大問題?
Hi @MichongSun and welcome to the community. Unfortunately we only have a few supported languages that we can auto translate in the community and yours sadly, is not one at this time. In future please could you write in English, even if you need to use google translate.
I can see you are having issues with 7663, its under investigation so keep checking for updates.