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I'm not much to complain on here but this new MM is ridiculous! I thought the side games were to help us get boosters…it's impossible to finish it unless you have boosters or gold. What's going on with King! Even the new levels are very difficult and many need boosters or extra moves to complete. It's no longer fun.
oui tout à fait d'accord niveaux trop difficiles ont dépense beaucoup de boosters et ont n arrive pas à finir les jeux
pas très sympa
i have no problem with hard new levels but you are correct about mystery mountain…mystery mountain this week is a total joke. Not worth playing just to lose boosters
je n arrive toujours pas à finir les niveaux même avec des boosters j arrête de jouer beaucoup de retour négatif
Yes this new mystery mountain is difficult to pass board 4 of the 4th level.
We need better than that it doesn't give you enough green blocks very unhappy
I agree. We now get the ongoing game to earn boosters with rescue pet every other week, but you have to play that game or you can't play the others. I agree that's not much fun.
c est
c est surtout
si ont joue c est pour gagner des boosters pas tout
i agree….new pet island today same way….going to use more boosters than earn to complete….
agree. totally not fun. or challenging. just frustrating