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Level 1
Comme d'habitude, chaque fois que vous mettez construction halloween, votre jeu ne veut pas s'ouvrir. Malgré mise a jour
Good evening and welcome to the community.
Annoyingly that is true. Some devices just cannot cope with it. Especially older ones. The minimum specs they give are only minimum, the more you have the better. As always we suggest deleting anything you don't use so you have at least 2GB free memory and restart your device when its done to release any temporary files 😒
It is really not good enough I have android 14 plenty of spare storage and still the game takes a good 20 minutes to open if at all, really annoying and makes it impossible to play.
unfortunately some devices are worse than others. I find Android laggy with all games which is why I don't have that. Not just king games.
All I can suggest is remove anything you don't need and make sure the storage cache is cleared and hopefully that will help.
I know that's not ideal and it's not fair but I'm just the messenger :(
Depuis une dizaine d'années que je jeu à commencé, chaque événements qui est mis tout au long de l'année,buggue à moitié temps du jeu.alors arrêtez de nous dire de mettre à jour, de vider le stockage, que notre appareil est trop vieux. Faites plutôt remonter l'information aux inventeurs du jeu de régler ce problème, car depuis 10 ans c'est toujours pareil .ou alors qu'ils arrêtent de mettre de genre d'événements.