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Definitely test our patience!!
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Lynette, I responded to you days ago & my game takes at least a minute if not longer to load between levels. I am playing on a fairly new laptop & I have version from Microsoft. I'm happy yours is working right!!
Ti már meg kaptàtok az összes jelvènyeteket ??????
Ti hol tartotok most csapat tagok???????
I'm at level 119 and finding it hard to move past it just so hard not going to waste money on booster that doesn't work
le jeux est très lent il fonctionne très mal c est dommage
Ja bij mij ook..
@Lynette has country temps above 45 degrees right now and a computer that doesn't like working when its warm let alone hot. So she hasn't been able to be here so much 🥵. I remember when we discussed it you had tried all the troubleshooting..but as its not everyone it makes it harder to diagnose. However I will ask the team again if they can think of any other solutions (or if they have had a lot of complaints) 🤗
Edited to add, just realised the date on this post but I can still ask. Serves me right for trying to be efficient and read more than the first page 🤣