Welcome to the Pet Rescue Community
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So far, our team still maintains the top spot.
That's all. Adieu~
Hi there! Amazing work!
I left my team yesterday due to alot of inactivity in the group. I had contributed 10.5k trophies prior to leaving and have saved up some steps and fruits ready to cash in when I find a new team.
I am quite interested in joining your team if you would be able to make a space for me?
Late reply; sorry.
Unfortunately, I'm not the team leader of the team, @Joey_YouTube is. Also, we're currently full on my perspective, but you could ask the team leader if there's any more available slots, if you're still looking for a team.
Everyone in the COTR Community Team Discord server, please rejoin in the new server, for our old one got somehow deleted... Me and @Joey_YouTube are currently rebuilding the whole server from scratch.
You can rejoin in here:
We have two slots available to join. If anyone interested to join, please contact @Joey_YouTube .🙂
It is advise for anyone who are interested to contact him through Discord. Thank you.
No thanks, Im alrdy in a team
Doing good with two players but it would be nice to have more! They say come here to find teammates but I haven't found any yet is there anybody out there? I will keep trying!!
I wonder how's the status of COTR community 2?
Hi everybody! I'm back.
Check out this tread for details!