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Hi @bearwithme, thank you for the tag @Diamond Lim
This is a new game for me, and I am bound to have got some of these wrong, as there shouldn't be these many differences 🤣, what I could see -
Image 2:
1/ Missing line on yellow block under dog.
2/ Missing part of pawprint on the blue block next to it.
3/ Part of pawprint shape has changed on the blue block above.
4/ Shading looks different around the dog's chest and neck.
5/ Spots on the dog's nose is different.
6/ The dark brown colour on the dogs ear is smaller.
7/ Pumpkin is missing a tooth.
8/ Missing rivet on the crate next to the dog.
9/ Dog is missing a spot under it's cheek.
10/ Pumpkin has nose covered in.
I'm glad to see so many enthusiastic pet detectives and lovers of Pet Rescue Saga. Please remember that this thread is strictly for entries to the contest, to post questions (if you have any) about this contest and to post your answers. Posting images of the game map or comments that don't pertain to this contest are considered off topic and can be considered spamming.
Also - we only use English in the community, unless you are in the International Corner, where they speak, French, German and English.
I hope we get more pet detectives to participate in this contest and earn the chance to win gold bars in the PRS game.😁🐕🦺🐈🐖
Tagging Pet Rescue Players again into spoiler :
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@johamilton @siti_payung @CassD @wykoon @jujito0 @Maddie_Ivey @Peetra @Ooma_Segran @ZoricaPanda @kamonrut19 @Feligirl @mary12 @Marry79 @Pat_Ferraro @lorraine5050 @Julie_Andrews @Marbelles @Priscilla_Nooner @christine88 @CarlitaAlfonso @sarahkupton@GTFan @trudymitch @lhanna @Bets @lingho @Snelee @assir_elbaradei @buzzlightyear_uk @lizzy58 @tigger123 @MountainMom @carollbiel @tabby33 @candyfloyd2 @sassysasha91 @ringobatkin @marianngerwig @sml309 @12monty34 @Snelee @klaybasket @Gatica @daisycake @cooper123 @Katrina47 @DonnaB2 @Joost_Theunis @littlemissmim08 @Pitty_Kitty @rajdeeptb
@Kezabelle3 @tracierana @Kat-6 @Lynette @Greymane @Keera0913 @SirThinkALot @Palash_Sarma @ChrisMiller @EOTheGr8 @rebelchild @kiara_wael @navypsyc @haus @Darla100 @ReiRodrigoBH @tommar @dinka1437 @JaeBaby7 @jcjsmith @anushiya14 @KALE66 @Angie537 @Angie098 @smb1284 @xuanxesus @Pedrotheo @1l9j6l2h @FATTATTOO @bbalsley @Pili1970 @19Ela84 @Raccoonish1 @anson100 @Meenah01 @MotherOfChihuahuas @nollent @KarmaKu @argenis15 @dcheeky1 @yrtigress2 @Nepththys @Cassieug @sabbyhuck @CherylV @esmeralda_cecy3 @catz30666 @JessicaBilly @KCullen127 @SylvieAngie @Nenikapaki @jeffcsx @Ast45 @Crr008 @mcrawford @Amiluv
Who have answered it already, please ignore this notification.
** If who wants to subscribe Pet Rescue Tagging List, please check and comment here! Thanks! 😊 **
Hello @bearwithme . Thanks for the tag @Diamond Lim .
1. Pumpkin's nose in pic one has a hole.
2. The first dog has a stain.
3. The coat of the first dog is plain while the second dog has some dark patches.
4.Dogs' ear color differs.
5. Yellow cube below has 3 rays on first pic
6. Paw print is missing..
This is not spam! Im sorry, but I'm confused and am afraid to ask questions about it.
I dont see the pictures. Is this because I already did it?
I'm sorry for being dumb. Please ignore this. I'll wait for the next contest.
Hi @Raccoonish1. Don't worry. @bearwithme wasn't referring to you, but someone else. You have done what was asked, so good luck!
Hi @CassD! OK, thank you for the quick reply and for clearing that up for me. 😊
Hi @Raccoonish1
Just to avoid confusion, the fact that you don't see the images has nothing to do with whether you answered or not. To see the images you have to go to the first page of the publication. In all publications you have to go to the first page to see the rules 😉
Hi @bearwithme , thanks for the contest. My answers are
No nose on pumpkin
Tooth is missing in the middle on pumpkin
2nd blue block on left side of paw toe is larger
Spot on dog shoulder is missing
No black speckles on left side of dog nose
Yellow block is missing a line
On the blue block on bottom a small line is missing
Brown spot on dogs ear is less
@Raccoonish1 - you didn't do anything wrong. You were asking about the contest and that is definitely OK. As mentioned above, for future reference (for other contests), make sure you always go to page 1 because that is where you will find the rules and also an explanation about the contest (including any images etc.).
Your entry was great - thank you for participating! 🙏😊🐨💕
Glad to see some more pet detectives! 😁