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Pet Island levels count, yes?
Hi @bearwithme. Here's my favourite clear the blocks level. Petopia didn't stop me getting back there with the level scrolling button I have at the bottom of my home screen now.
Hi bearwithme. Are you supposed to post the level with 3 star 's ? 🙊🙈. I don't think I got 3 star 's . But , I think I got 3 star 's in the hardest level of clear the blocks. But I can't see my map.to check it. Because, of the petopia challenge.
Hi Christine. I can't get scroll back to my previous levels because, of petopia. I passed 2 hard levels of clear the blocks and, got 3 🌟. .how are you my friend?
Hi Lynette. How are you, l just wanted to ask. In the petopia challenge. You have to get pet 's to get to the next level. Right? The more pet's you rescue the more rewards you get right? Well I passed 2 hard level 's where in 1 I had to rescue 26 pet 's and 2 28 pet 's .but when the pet 's came out they were only 3 in each level. How does that work ? I'm confused.
Hi Zainab. I'm well thank you and Pray you are too. I have a "+" sign above my current level. When I tap on it I can move through my levels, despite Petopia (screenshot below):
Hi.@Lenette .here are my screenshot 's for clear the blocks.
Sorry I can't find them I did take the shots. ☹☹. I even passed a hard levels. Is there a way I can find them and send them?
Hi.@Lenette .here are my screenshot 's for clear the blocks.
Sorry I can't find them I did take the shots. ☹☹. I even passed a hard levels. Is there a way I can find them and send them?
Hi Christine. I'm OK thanks. Hope you are too. I see . Thanks for the info. I'll try .but I don't think I have that on mime. Right now I'm stuck on a level 3090 something.
Hi.@Lenette .here are my screenshot 's for clear the blocks.
Sorry I can't find them I did take the shots. ☹☹. I even passed a hard levels. Is there a way I can find them and send them?