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Downloading nice picture...



  • Grumpybear
    Grumpybear Posts: 5

    Level 2

    I am getting the “downloading nice picture” error with the blue background now also on my iPhone app after the Halloween pet city event ended yesterday. I am on the newest map “Hobby Hills”. I have updated the app and restarted my phone, but still no saga background picture. What’s the fix for this on iPhone?

  • Lynette
    Lynette Posts: 7,162
    edited November 2022

    Hi @Grumpybear, there is no fix yet, most of us do not have the map for this latest episode 😟

    I think that because it does not affect gameplay that it is probably lower on the priority list of things to be fixed within the game.

    All we are missing out on is another repeat map, if you look in your game it was previously called Hobby Town, but this time is Hobby Hills

  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008
    edited November 2022

    Found this support thread finally and read all about it 🙂

    I've been seeing this in Windows app on computer ever since this August, before Petopia started in mobile devices

    I tried reinstalling the app but it didn't help

    I see the normal map on my Android device

    I was just curious to know more about what's going on, it's not a big deal for me personally 🙂

  • Lynette
    Lynette Posts: 7,162

    Hi @Pitty_Kitty

    This was only a temporary problem and is now resolved. It looks like your's is a different issue.

    Have you tried logging out and in again on your Win 10 app?

    Also, if you use facebook to log on (and not email) you might need to check your facebook app settings.

    Please let me know if any of this helps? 🙂

  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008

    Hi @Lynette

    no, it doesn't 🤷‍♀️ and I don't use facebook. that's why I came here looking for a ongoing issue thread.

  • Lynette
    Lynette Posts: 7,162
    edited November 2022

    Usually when I get this in my game @Pitty_Kitty it's because my game is not 'connected' to the internet (even if the computer is connected 😕)

    This is why I thought you might be able to log out and in again to fix it.

    Another thing you can try is looking in the microsoft store and see if there is an update for the Win 10 Pet Rescue Saga app.

  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008
    edited November 2022

    nope, unfortunately no troubleshooting step worked to help the game reconnect. My win 11 laptop is up to date as well, device internet connection is okay.

    I even tried to reinstall the app and logged in and did the whole play levels/close app/reopen app/repeat a few times. I reinstalled the app and tried again because even the map around level 1 as a disconnected user looked okay at first but then showed the same background error after I logged out from my account and wasn't able to load it anymore after troubleshooting. Nothing changed.

    I almost called it quits but then I remembered what works in Soda sometimes so I reinstalled the app yet again and played levels as a disconnected user first and only afterwards I logged in to my account.

    And I was able to get the app load the background correctly into my account this time around.

    I'm happy it's over and I hope the background stays cos this was unnecessarily stressful 🤧

  • Lynette
    Lynette Posts: 7,162

    Well done in getting it fixed yourself @Pitty_Kitty, I've also had to do the 'playing levels as a disconnected user first' trick sometimes to get a game working properly!

  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008

    .... it seems I'm back at square 1 after a night sleep

    I tried troubleshooting again, I disconnected and played levels, then logged in and played levels, closed and opened the app but it's blank everywhere

    I give up, it'll stay like that since reinstalling doesn't help either

    thanks anyway 🙂

  • Lynette
    Lynette Posts: 7,162

    😥 I'm sorry it didn't stay for long! I wonder why your game is doing this?

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?