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Still on update on Facebook since level 6012, have Facebook 'pulled' the plug on it. It would be nice to know one way or the other.
why can't I see the map but only the single game?????? help
how to find a friend without facebook? i have iphone apps
thanks Lynette, I'm playing from the iphone app, the map is gone, but it's fun all the same How can I find a friend without facebook?
buongiorno Lynette, non voglio usare facebook ma solo apps e king.com, qui non trovo il mio amico!!! potete dirmi se usando solo l'account King posso giocare con lei??? o solo e' posdibile solo se usi facebook ????
hello Lynette, I don't want to use facebook but only apps and king.com, I can't find my friend here!!! Can you tell me if using only the King account I can play with her??? or is it only possible if you use facebook ????
hello Lynette, I don't want to use facebook but only apps and king.com, I can't find my friend here!!! Can you tell me if using only the King account I can play with her??? or is it only possible if you use facebook ???? Yes, I already have a list set by the game (but they don't help) so I can't choose a name? too bad I wanted to include a friend I know personally and who is registered on king thanks a hug
At the moment you cannot choose them via King. I have found that some help and others do not.
I remove the ones who don't and add others. Eventually you will end up with some helpful friends.