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LEVLEl in pet rescue saga how to open next levels

Lakshmi_Jagarlam Posts: 1

Level 1

I have completed 2127 level of pet rescue saga. Unable to  open  next levels  what to do.please help me


  • Terri_Twentier
    Terri_Twentier Posts: 1

    Level 1

    As far as I know they never opened it. Tired of waiting for it. They need to speed it up. Over a month.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,434

    Hi there, they usually release pet rescue levels every two weeks. Keep checking the app store for updates if playing on apps. If playing through Facebook, clear cache and cookies, restart your browser. If this doesn't work then remove the app, clear cache/cookies, restart and readd the app. 

  • donaldrp11
    donaldrp11 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Pet Rescue keeps updating in 2 weeks. Go to Facebook account, open Pet Rescue page & see for the new update if you do find the new update then in your mobile the update will come in 1or 2 days. I'm also waiting for new update

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