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We’re currently experiencing an issue that makes level 6305 unplayable for some players. We’re sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Rest assured the Studio is working hard on a fix. Once good news arrives, we'll let you know in the thread down below. In the meantime, we ask you to bear with us and brace yourself with a bit of patience.
6305 won't even let me play
Level 6305 won't let me play it ends the game before we start playing
Level 6305 is not working
I cannot play level 6305. At the start of the game it immediately says no moves and ends the game? It says too few items collected and there are moves available.
Thank you for letting us know about Level 6305
There is a problem with this level. I have reported it to King, we must now wait for them to fix it 😕
Same issue for me too.
Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand! Check out our House Rules!
Hi and welcome to the community @mixer72 and @Karencamm the studio are aware of this issue and are investigating 🤗
Can't play 6305, when I click "Play" it says "Level Failed" and goes back to "Retry". Click Retry and it does exactly the same, I click "Play" and it says "Level Failed" and goes back to "Retry" .......
@JJLC It seems to be fixed :-)