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At times we need to adjust some prices in the game.
This time we only adjusted when buying Blockbusters with the free currency of Pet Coins. The price in Gold Bars is still the same!
The only reason you have adjusted the free currency of pet coins is so that people will buy more gold bars - WHY. People will not play the game as much, is that what you want. It is disgusting that all you want from people is money!! How can it be right that only a random number of people are being charged the extra coins - surely we are all the same? I am getting really fed up with greedy companies.
You are trying to force people to purchase Gold Bars - I think that is a terrible thing to do! You are going to lose a lot of players!! Playing a game should NOT have to cost a person real money! This is a scam for your app to make more money. Shame on you!!At times we need to adjust some prices in the game.
This time we only adjusted when buying Blockbusters with the free currency of Pet Coins. The price in Gold Bars is still the same!
Metso, and LadyTigerSk, you do not have to buy anything. All levels can be passed without the use of any boosters :-)
I do not dispute that all levels can be passed without any boosters but once again that is no answer to my question - why is it only a random number of people that the increase applies to? Are all players not entitled to the same rules?
The price should now be the same for all players, as long as their game is up to date.
Please note that, before any changes are made in the game it usually gets tested for a limited amount of players first. Then later on implemented for all players if all goes as expected. Therefore you can at times find game differences.
Have a Petacular day!
But why? What is the purpose of that. It doesn’t seem to happen with Candy Crush!
Changes and new features do always get tested first, including in Candy Crush Saga.
Every time when the game studios want launch new features or do any changes in the games, they first make a so called A/B testing. Randomly chosen players get this new feature or tweak, to see how it works.
If everything goes well, it will be introduced to all players.