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Hi Pet Rescuers,
Some players are finding that they are unable to harvest their crops when they click 'collect' in the game.
The gamemakers apologise for any inconvenience caused. The good news is that the studio is already hard at work on a fix. Please be patient, they’re doing their best to resolve the problem quickly for you.
Meanwhile, please keep trying to harvest your crops - it might take multiple taps over the garden beds, but you should be able to harvest them eventually.
I also find that zooming in on the crops can make it easier to hit the right spot, (which can be on the crops themselves, not the 'collect' button) to get them harvested!
We’ll keep you updated in this thread, so check back for any news 🙂
More information can also be found here: Under Investigation: I cannot harvest my vegetables in Petopia
Why haven't I got petopia?
Hi @bluebell1965 - do you usually get it?
It seems quite a few players who usually do, didn't get it this time 😕
Bonjour , aujourd'hui impossible de me connecter a pet sur ma tabette .petopia bloque completement . Et sur mon tel mon jeux bloque s'affiche a chaque fleur recoltes …
the game won’t allow me toCOLLECT my crops 🙄😞
yes same issue with the crops! Drives me crazy!!! Hope they fix it soon. Also notice it has been lagging really bad when you log into the app
still can’t harvest crops
Loosing out here not fair
Tried as said repeatedly pressing zooming in DONT WORK
hello Pet Rescue: can we please have an update on the status in fixing the issue in which we cannot harvest anything. It’s now been 4 full days and we are missing out. Thanks
Oui cela commence à faire long sans rien pouvoir récupérer
Je commence sérieusement à me lasser de ce jeu
I can’t “harvest” my crops either and it has been at least 4 days. When will it be resolved ??
Wow we just got an update which I installed and also logged off and back on and STILL no fix for collecting the crops! It’s been almost a week!