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fuzzerini Posts: 45

Level 3

Still not updating on my laptop. Played it again. NOT WORKING!!!


  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,394

    I think I asked you earlier If playing on computer, make sure you clear cache and cookies. It could be Facebook is taking a little longer to approve the update. Its been sent through.

  • acfwheat
    acfwheat Posts: 128

    I’m playing on my IPad. Received the update last night. When I updated I played 7663 again and completed it. It FINALLY progressed me to 7664 and has been doing fine since. Now if you would only get Mystery Mountain back or another game to replace it that would be nice.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,394

    Honestly, if I could, I would..I know a lot of players miss it. Unfortunately that's the studio. You could always message them via the support centre and suggest more get it. I can't promise it will help but you never know!

  • Tilly1
    Tilly1 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Updated on my samsung tablet , but unfortunately still not working on my amazon fire . Even uninstalled and reinstalled . I play through google not facebook , too . I'm sorry yours isnt working.

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