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Thanks @shereda83 🙂
I hope the example helped you see what to do to pass. Good luck!
New design only allows one chance to solve the puzzles. Miss watching videos to earn more chances. Don't want to have to pay for additional chances.
I stopped playing. They don't care about their loyal players.
bonjour je ne le trouve pas si mal le nouveau design il faut si faire
Seriously? You want people to reinstall a game which hurts their eyes? I for one will NOT be reinstalling unless by some miracle I hear the old design is back. Mind not missing it either as have found games from other companies to play
@WeaverFairy . I just meant that , because you like the game. Maybe reinstalled it again. But, fair enough you don't want to. And you've found other games to play. I didn't mean anything in a bad way. Sorry.
The new design is just horrible. I uninstalled the game hoping it wouldn't update again.
It is not a case of not wanting to. I need not to damage my eyes and it actually hurts them. Several other people have said the same
@WeaverFairy. Fair comment. I do have problem with my eye which I'm getting treatment for it. For me . Because, the blocks are bit bigger. It helps me bit more because of my eye condition. That is why I commented that I didn't mind the new design. . I know lot's of players don't like it. Maybe I would have felt the had I not had an eye condition.
Hola soy jugadora desde hace más de 11 años siempre me ha gustado este juego pero es lamentable ver cómo lo has dañado. La nueva versión está bonita pero que feo que todas las semanas lo mismo en LA MONTAÑA MISTERIOSA y no solo eso bloqueas el juego no dejas ganar premios, muy lejos de desestresarse uno termina es estresado. Nunca me han dado un incentivo de los que decís 2000 3000 4000 5000 en pocas palabras ninguno, y eso que voy a la par contigo No dejas ganar ayudas si no cambias la temáticas del juego después de tantos años de verdad estoy que lo desinstalo. ESPERO QUE LEAS MI COMENTARIO Y CAMBIES EL Juego DE LA MONTAÑA MISTERIOSA Y DEJES GANAR PREMIOS SI NO PERDERÁS UNA FIEL JUGADORA