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I would take my little dog 🐕 to school. I had one that would follow me to school every day. This way it would save us both from getting into trouble when he would attempt to enter the classroom.
I love your badge creation. And yes I got caught. As they got bigger they would climb out of my pocket. They would climb up to sit on my shoulders
They were just brown squirrels. Their mom was killed and they were very tiny with very little fur. Their tails weren't bushy yet. They were wild critters but grew up to be tame. Over the years I've rescued several motherless squirrels
Aww! 😍😘🤗💜 Awesome! I would be the same my love. We predominately have grey squirrels here in this Country, reds and black ones are rare, however I don't live in an environment where squirrels generally live. I visit villages that do, I find them fascinating and super cute 😊😘
I would take my pet parrot and have him do some tricks for my classmates. 🦜🦜🦜
Si je pouvais j emmenerailon arche de Noé : ma chienne , mes chats mon lapin .... J imagine très bien la joie des enfants dans l école dans laquelle je travaille... Ça serait la fête pour eux et une joie pour ma tribue
Hi @Lady_Choo 🙂
I would bring a parrot so he can learn from the teacher as well. He can then dictate to me the lessons I missed during class. 😂
I would take these 2 - Zues, and Rhea to school to learn the A, B, C’s of about being curious. they love learning And discovering everything. 🐕
I would take a collection of stuffed animals to school, so every student could take one home. They are easy to care for !