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I am having the same problem, on iPhone/ipad. I never had it on the last petopia and I enjoyed playing it tbh. But I can’t believe you are not going to try and fix the problem and people will have to wait two weeks before you can play again?? Get your act together, I spend money on this game and you treat people like this. Ridiculous!!
There must be a reason! Why are you not going to try and solve it? It just doesn’t make sense. If it’s not resolved I will want my money back and I will delete all the king games I play 😡
Siempre que ponen Petopia pasa lo mismo. No tengo idea de porque a algunos le funciona y a otros no. Yo siempre llegaba al último nivel y ahora estoy muy retrasada. Es injusto que haya que esperar para que vuelva a la normalidad. Tarda más de media hora en cargar y sirve para una sola jugada. 😡
É una settimana che non mi carica più il gioco l ho disinstallato reinstallato ma non mi fa più giocare vorrei capire perché ho provato da un altro telefono ma stesso problema
same here
Pet rescue won’t load on my iPhone 15, it does load extremely slow on my iPad. Very frustrating
No help whatsoever deleted the game from all devices until.
Halloween pettopia leaves.
Won't be playing until then.
Yep! A couple of moderators have glanced at this thread and then just left. Seems nothing is going to be done about this problem.
The problem has been reported to the game makers - there is nothing else we can do but wait and see if there is a solution.
If it's anything like previous Petopia events, this means waiting until it is over 🤷♀️
försöker också gå i på Pet Rescue Saga och det lyckas inte för mig helller, och jag använder mig av datorn.