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What's wrong with this picture? Win Gold Bars if you can figure it out. (finished)

Crazy Cat Lad
Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
edited July 2019 in Contests
Two petacular copies of the same picture, but are they both exactly the same? 

Some graphical errors seem to messed up the second picture. Can you find all the differences? 

Post the differences you can find here below and you can win Gold Bars to your game. 

We'll randomly pic three players that will win 30 Gold Bars each among those who found all the differences. Take a closer look and make sure to post your answers here below before 31 July 2019. 

You have until Wednesday 31 July 2019 12:00 CET to participate and the Terms and Conditions are right here.

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  • wistfulee
    wistfulee Posts: 6

    Level 2

    1. purple block on the left side turned green. 2. the door on the cottage changed. 3. the eye on the panda is missing. 4. the eyes on the dog changed color. 5. the trees in the bottom picture got lighter. 6. the window on the windmill went away. 7. there's an extra window in the roof area of the cottage. 8. the "e" in rescue is filled in. 9. one of the mushrooms went away. 10. one of the rays of the sun on the yellow block went away
  • shroomsgrl
    shroomsgrl Posts: 52

    Level 3

    edited July 2019
    I just LOVE these mini games/challenges 💞
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,147
    edited July 2019
    Hello @Crazy Cat Lad

    I found 5 differences as of now.  Will write them down or may be I will also mark like above player did.  Thanks for the nice idea @shroomsgrl

    And all those 5 matched to others.  So, I am right!  But, looks like there are more.... I will grab my Magnifying glasses (which I did for "Master Mind" too :D  :D ) to find those subtle differences =) 

    ** Changing the Eyes is a pretty good idea :+1::+1:  Finding Differences is my favorite puzzle too 🤗

    Have a wonderful day!
  • Angel1207
    Angel1207 Posts: 294

    1) Purple block turned green

    2) Dogs eyes changed from brown to blue

    3) One of the mushrooms by the yellow block is missing.

    4) On the yellow block one of the sun’s rays are missing

    5) On the bottom blue block one of the toes are missing from the dogs paw print

    6) The Panda is missing one of his eyes.

    7) Windmill is missing a window

    8) The e in rescue is filled in.

    9) Door on the house changed color from brown to grey

    10) Dormer on the house is missing.

    11) The color of all the items in the bottom picture are lighter.

  • shroomsgrl
    shroomsgrl Posts: 52

    Level 3

    Pummy Raj said:
    Hello @Crazy Cat Lad

    I found 5 differences as of now.  Will write them down or may be I will also mark like above player did.  Thanks for the nice idea @shroomsgrl

    And all those 5 matched to others.  So, I am right!  But, looks like there are more.... I will grab my Magnifying glasses (which I did for "Master Mind" too :D  :D ) to find those subtle differences =) 

    ** Changing the Eyes is a pretty good idea :+1::+1:  Finding Differences is my favorite puzzle too 🤗

    Have a wonderful day!
    No problem chica!! I enjoy doing this type of game too. Finding the differences is fun and can be SO tricky sometimes 🤔 Good luck
  • gar16002
    gar16002 Posts: 70

    Level 3

  • smokypat73
    smokypat73 Posts: 32

    Level 3

    Window on windmill,window on cottage roof missing ,sunray missing a ray,toe on blue cube missing, second e in rescue is filled in,dogs eyes are different color,panda eye is missing,door on cottage is different color,green cube was purple,stuff is lighter in lower section 
  • Janet_Deforge
    Janet_Deforge Posts: 4

    Level 1

    on bottom picture
    No roof on hut, green diamond block, no window in wind mill, no door on hut, no eye on panda, blue eyes on puppy, one toe missing on blue block, last e in rescue, one ray missing on sun.
  • PiperLeonberger
    PiperLeonberger Posts: 10

    Level 2

    1. mushroom is missing
    2. large green cube was purple
    3. door on the cottage is a different color
    4. panda is missing an eye
    5. dogs eyes are different color
    6. second E in Rescue is filled in
    7. toe on the blue cube is missing
    8. sunray on yellow cube is missing
    9. window on cottage roof is missing, causing the dormer to disappear
    10 window on the windmill is missing
  • AuntieLC
    AuntieLC Posts: 1

    Level 1

    1) Purple block turned green

    2) Dogs eyes changed from brown to blue

    3) One of the mushrooms by the yellow block is missing.

    4) On the yellow block one of the sun’s rays are missing

    5) On the bottom blue block one of the toes are missing from the dogs paw print

    6) The Panda is missing one of his eyes.

    7) Windmill is missing a window

    8) The e in rescue is filled in.

    9) Door on the house changed color from brown to grey

    10) Dormer on the house is missing.

    11) The color of all the items in the bottom picture are lighter.

This discussion has been closed.

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