Play a level. Any level that you prefer. Post the score here and get the chance to win Gold Bars!

The top 3 players with the highest amount of points on the levels they chose and posted when the competition ends will win 50 Gold Bars each!
If someone has beaten your score, you can try to beat that and post your new score as many times you want and also switch the level as many times you wish. It's the highest score of all the screen shots you posted that will count in the end.

Remember to post this pop up after completing the level and not post just the high score list of a level that you played earlier. You can replay any level, but it will need to be the score you got now and not previously.
Start Rescuing the pets and clearing the blocks and post your scores!

You have until Wednesday 21 August 2019 12:00 CET to participate and the Terms and Conditions are right here.