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pvanderlaan Posts: 1

Level 1

edited September 2019 in Support
Hello All,

Sorry iam speak dutch, and i try english writer.

I have my account problem.

Facebook Room on my Big Tower PC not working and loadig freezes
Chrome on my Big Tower PC not working and loadig freezes

Chrome on my Laptop working loading and start game

I have adobe flash reinstall, chrome cookies cleared, and freeze loading :(

My Mobile and Laptop working good only PC not


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,153
    Hello @pvanderlaan, Hearty Welcome to the Pet Rescue section of our friendly King Community :) 

    First of all, you have translated well for me to understand :+1:=) 

    By reading what you wrote, it sounds like the issue on your PC might get solved by some "Trouble Shooting Steps"!  Below is the link to follow on your PC

    Please follow all the steps provided in above link and let us know how it went.  If you tap on "Type your Comment" box located below, you will be able to write back.  

    Hope everything works out and you will be able to play your game on your PC too.  

    Talk to you soon!  Have a great rest of the weekend!!

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