Let's play some good old fashioned Memory!
Pick two cards and if it's a match you have won Gold Bars!
Three matches were already found in the
first round of the game and another two in the second round. The Ginger Cat and the Purple and Green Blocks. Then also the Puppy and the Blue Blocks.
Three more matches and prizes still remain so let's continue the game! Post here below which two cards you pick and think is a match. For example
"I choose cards A and B".
After a week I will reveal all the eventual matches and the players who found two equal cards will get their Gold Bars.

Remember to check the cards that weren't a match in the
first round and
second round so you don't pick two cards that we already know isn't a match.
All remaining cards that haven't been matched will stay on the game board to the week after and the forth round of the game. So no matter if you won or not, you have a new chance to pick two new cards next week, if there are any matches left so to say.
Next Tuesday an eventual Round 4 will start and you can choose two new cards, so stay tuned!

Please note that you can only make one pick of two cards in every round of the game. If you post twice or pick several cards, it's only your first choice that counts. Also you can't pick the exact same cards that another player already chose. For example, if a player chose A and B, you cannot make the same choice, but A and C is ok or B and C.

You have until Tuesday 12 November 2019 09:00 CET to participate and the Terms and Conditions are right here.