Ajuda no nível 3396
Nao consigo passar, toda vez que as borboletas estão quase carregadas as bombas explodem elas.
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Edited by CM: 💬 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Check our House Rules
When are you going to fix 8276?
Computer/laptop players have been waiting weeks for King to change the rescue from 65 pets to 45 pets on level 8276. We all would like to continue playing levels but cannot possibly rescue 65 pets in the amount of chances given.
Alguém sabe como passar a fase 6173?
Eu acho que o nível 6173 tem algum problema as borboletas não vem alguém sabe como passar?
How do I update my game. I do not get critter carnival anymore
When are you going to fix level 8344??
When is level 8344 going to be fixed? Its been almost 2 weeks! IMPOSSIBLE TO PASS
livello 8344
Il precedente post era sbagliato il numero di livello a cui mi riferivo è il 8344 Il livello 8344 (giocando da pc fisso su Facebook) ha un bug e non è risolvibile. Guardano le soluzioni in rete nel medesimo livello ci sono almeno due coppie di farfalle dello stesso colore e ciò consente di terminare il livello. Invece qui…
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Edited by CM: 💬 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Check our House Rules
Mes lingots
Mes lingots ont disparus, pourquoi
Playing growing the dog for gold
I went to play game around midnight, everything was good. Had 3 days left. Went to play this around 9 am and it showed the dog leaving in his car and to collect 2 gold. Last time this happened ya made it alright to a point. But as like last time I had to restart all over with dog in box, when I was collecting burritos for…