Discussion List
I would really love to play a summer Olympics petopia or a winter Olympics petopia, they already have most of what they need
Pet rescue 7859
Comment faire apparaître les animaux ? Parfois j arrive à en avoir 3 mais souvent un seul animal arrive J'y perd mon latin
Hallo , ich weiß nicht was da los ist aber ich bekomme wieder nicht genug Tiere um dieses Level zu schaffen. Langsam bringt es keinen Spaß mehr.
Grow your pet
Started grow your pet today but there's no point in playing if I can't earn anything, cause it doesn't add the red blocks from levels that I already finished, and still no mystery mountain or critter carnival Pointless they lied
zeynep game 7420
I have been trying to do the above game for weeks and cant get passed it, please can it be taken off and a new game put on thank you it would be much appreciated
Level 7812 isn't working pets aren't coming out please resolve this issue
Level 7812 isn't working pets aren't coming out. Please resolve this issue
FIz uma compras e não recebi paguei por pix da minha conta saiu mas não recebi cmo faco verifiquei pelo Google play está tudo ok e oq.nao recebi
Badge de niveau
Je n ai jamais réclamé mes badges de niveau , je suis au 7859 Comment les récupérer ? Merci de m y aider
Claim button not working
I play thru FB and am doing the weekly challenge. I have an active claim badge but when I click it nothing happens. Seems like the link there is broken. I have 1 day and 9 hours to claim. Since I need all the help I can get I'm hoping this gets fixed soon.Anyone else having this issue?
Salikhati Thiam
bonjour vous aimez le nouveau disiague pas moi