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Get through 3280
how to get through 3280
En menos de una semana he perdido dos veces todos mis potenciadores. ¿A alguien más le pasa? Se me hace cuesta arriba el nivel actual y no tengo potenciadores para pasarlo 😭
Level 8085
Is there a problem with level 8085 Pet Rescue Saga? There don't seem to be any colour pop balloons??
level 3280 is a hard level I have to save 99 pets when in the game but on the start screen it says I need to save 9 it starts with a row of blue then it is full of pets then at the bottom it is a row of blue but it scrolls down and I lose pets it is the same every time and when I google it it’s a totally different level…
Are there problems with petopia again
Since playing petopia which was OK at the start, now will not load as it crashes. I cannot remember what stage I am at, but I had this same problem previously. Pauline
Stuck on 3280 with saving 99 cats
I’m stuck on 3280 with saving 99 cats…..been playing it for 3 days!
Level 3280
Level 3280 is impossible to beat. Is this a glitch?
¿Cómo se resuelve el nivel 3280?
¿Cómo se resuelve el nivel 3280?
How i can go thru level 3280
I can't go thru level 3280
games load too slow
games take forever to load or don't load at all