Discussion List
Messed up on that message
HHi everyone! This game is fun!
Le jeu s'essouffle !!
Beaucoup trop de probleme pour jouer comme avant , plus rien ne vas ,meme plus de reponses aux questions .Quel dommage 😔
how do you send more lives?
How do you post a screenshot?
Help me post a screenshot so i can recieve my 1000 badge
Points on mystery mountain
please change points back on each level from current 2000 to previous 10,000
Figured it out. Thanks.
Weather Alert
Where the heck is my Weather Alert!?! I haven't seen it for over a month. Plus I don't get some of the boosters I did buy with pet coins. I've paid a lot of money for boosters but I won't buy anymore. I had downloaded the game before and was able to pick up where I left off. Since you switched to Meta I had to start the…
Mystery Mountain 8/30
NOT a fan of the most recent Mystery Mountain games. Multiple times I have reached the fifth level and then unable to complete because I didn’t get another pet to rescue. Not happy.
Jeu 7331
Pourquoi les tutos concernant le 7331 bénéficient de 39 coups alors que le jeu réel n'en comporte que 34 ... impossible à solutionner