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Bipley Level 2


  • King has sucked all the enjoyment out of this game. I have deleted it from my phone, how do I delete this account? I want NOTHING in the world to do with King ever again. They *Edited by CM: Hold on a bit! I will never play another king game. They wait until you are totally invested it in, played thousands of levels, then…
  • Not really. It is not a balance of too easy/too hard. If people don't want to use the boosters, they don't have to. It is a choice. It's just disappointing to have such a great game go down the tubes. They keep taking things away, one by one. Artwork, people I actually KNOW on my friend's list, the unprofessionalism of…
  • I have been a Pet Rescue fan for many many years. I was on f/b when I started and when I left f/b, then I lost the game. I started over about 18 months ago, I am somewhere around 5000 now. I see very little that is good about it today. I too, miss the artwork, I enjoyed it, but a lack of artwork isn't the end of the world.…
  • Thanks for checking. No apologies... it's certainly not your fault~ If we could have just had the ability to opt out of petsuckpia, it would have been nice, but it's not the end of the world.
  • I just cleared it and it's still freezing and crashing. Is there a way to just end petopia so we can play the game?
  • No, I haven't. Come to think of it, I don't believe I have any idea how to do that.
  • Every single time they try to fix it, it gets worse. I have to turn my phone on and off to clear the glitches now, before I just had to close down PRS. For the most part, I just collect freebies and leave the game alone. It looks like even their advertisers hit the road! ;o)
  • It would be nice if that was accurate information, but the game I am playing disagrees with your claim. Isn't there a way to remove the promotion from my game? The constant crashes, screen going black, nonstop nonsense sucks the fun right out of it. Or do I just have to wait a month before I can play it again?
  • I d/l'ed the game and realized it was a King game and deleted it. Not doing this one again! ;o)
  • ` I totally agree with you. I'm not even playing it anymore. I am almost on level 5000, and I keep debating back and forth if I just want to delete the whole dang thing or wait a month until it's over.
  • Today? Or a week from today? Because if the fix came out today, it did not work. I am pretty much over it. I am ready to delete the game completely. This is supposed to be for enjoyment, not headaches.
  • This morning it crashed 7x within an hour. I am pretty much over this. I am growing to sincerely hate petopia. I enjoy the game, I HATE petsuckpia.
  • It would be nice if that was accurate information, but the game I am playing disagrees with your claim. Isn't there a way to remove the promotion from my game? The constant crashes, screen going black, nonstop nonsense sucks the fun right out of it. Or do I just have to wait a month before I can play it again?
  • Same here. It's crashing 7/8x daily, as well.
  • Where do you find burgers?

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