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Estella8 Level 2


  • I thought mine was fixed the other day but it's back again. Mabe if I'I'm Lucky I will recieve a request for a life but in the past 3-4 days mabe 1 life given, 2 tops. Very unusual. I'I'm acustomed to recieving several a day, requests and lives. I just dont think King really cares, just a money grab for them. I refuse to…
  • finially got fixed! I am so relieved to see a life in my inbox, hope it is fixed for good.
  • I am still not recieving requests for lives nor lives from friends. I'I'm resigned to sending lives to all my friends in the hope that mabe they will get them. I'I've requested lives repeatedly off and on. So something is going on, at least I am able to send friend invites and accept in return. Not to mention this annoying…
  • from my understanding this has been happening to alot of other people as well. I'm having different issues and they havent as yet been resolved. Some people have mentioned its a server issue. Very possible. You can try King support, but it seems a waste of time. At least the mods respond, check several of the other threads…
  • this problem still has not been fixed. I even tried toggoling mobile data on and off and uninstalled my game, still persisting. Unfortunitly when I uninstalled my game and reinstalled it I lost all my saved boosters. The whole point to me of being able to send and recieve lives from friends is to help each other out. To…
  • you have a point! Come to think of it that would drive me crazy after awhile. I realised recently no one can message each other here except mods,etc. At first I was upset then reality set in, its for the best. Otherwise no one can really enjoy the game, they'd be constantly distracted and potenial harassed. Who needs that?
  • Ok, thanks for letting me know.
  • I see there no way for anyone to send you a message. No one has ever sent me a message ethier, so that is probably the problem. I always assumed there was a message button on ones profile when others click on it. I wish I could help more.
    in Messages Comment by Estella8 June 13
  • I normally would'nt like the idea but currently I wish there was a way to contact my friends in the game, doesnt have to be a chat feature. Just a way to message them. The forum would only be ok if you had your frinds list on here and people could message each other. As it is now I don't know my friends here, vice/versa.…
  • I'm having the same problem, I've contacted King twice and all they do is send me back here to the forums or link me to articles that are unrelated to my issue. I already know what lives are, I just want this problem fixed.
  • I had recieved a friend request and accepted it the other day, so friends requests being sent/accepted go through. But still no lives, I sent several yesterday and still havent recieved requests for lives nor recieved lives. I contacted King as well, they responded and sent me back here to the forum. Apparently they dont…
  • Candyman or Charlie and the Choclate Factory. Both the original with Gene Wilder, and the remake with Johnny Depp.
  • I have the same problem. For the past week I havent recieved lives requests nor lives I've requested. I even sent them lives several times a day. Zero response. I gave up and deleted them. Hopefully it is a glitch.
  • I know I would rather have the gold bars as a prize, this doesnt seem too promising. Now that I know what it is, not too thrilling.
  • Nevermind I just figured it out.
  • I chose Ben, but I really wish all the contestants the best of luck and congratulations for making it that far!
  • that is an interesting problem, I'd Love to have that problem right now!
  • Thanks, I'll have to keep that in mind. I am going to give it another week and start removing. I have noticed they havent given any lives yet have played everyday. It's odd that 'it's all on my list not just one or two, that is why I wondered if it was a glitch.
  • Could this be a glitch? I haven't recieved a request for lives in over a week, have not recieved any lives ethier. I have sent lives but have no idea if they were recieved. No friend requests ethier. I'I'm Going to let it go, not worth defriending over a possible glitch.

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