In this case I can confirm it is very likely the patch as I started a new game with the previous patch and the race showed up… well had to replay 50 but that is almost par for the course for windows haha.
As far as I know everyone new gets the race unless it decides to bug out or King breaks it. I have never had a game on Windows or Mobile where I did not get it, sometimes having to play and old level, unless king has broken something, ie there was a patch and all of a sudden it is gone in Windows for a ton of people. Going…
The hammer is broken for some. Also you can just start the next level and the current race will finish after that. It is otherwise normal unless there is the free timed hammer. I only saw this when I had jelly streak. When I had the rewards lounge I never had the hammer break.
Basically a patch is an update to the game that also fixes something. A new feature or levels would not be a patch per-se but if they fixed something that was broken it is a patch. In this case I assume it was a patch based on the versioning, complex concept, and the fact people had stuff start working again and stuff was…
There was a new patch today and the episode race is broken. The extra round after 5 lives likely is the same. What platform are you on windows, android, facebook or apple? Curious if the patch today is breaking on all devices or just some.
That can happen with the store This will download the installer for it. It usually does not have the same issue
New week, new month, new hope. @PummyRaj @QueenB Can you delete both the below accounts? I suspect easier than fixing @SneakyForumPyroDuck and I wanted @Pyrolight deleted anyway @Pyrolight @SneakyForumPyroDuck I would have posted in the thread below but since I can't access said accounts… :D