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christinewupp Level 5


  • No, it is not possible and not allowed. Trying to sell your account is against the Terms and Conditions you agreed to.
  • Any player can win every episode race if they complete an episode in 24 hours. Candy Crush is not a game of skill. It is a game of endurance and patience and time spent/wasted.
  • Hello and welcome to the community. This is not fair, you are right! There are a few levels like this one, and it may be deliberate so that players lose their win streak. I am confident you passed it on one of your next attempts as this only happens when the win streak and starting boosters block the first intended move. I…
  • The game never ends. Three more episodes are added every Wednesday.
  • Oui, c'est normal. Si tu fais un achat les pubs disparraient. King espèrent que tu fais encore des achats.
  • How many moves have you got to start with? This video had 21 and managed to pass.
  • Hello @ronnieswift Are you still stuck on this level? I can't check it out at the moment but from the screenshot it looks to me that you will need to let the chocolate grow to cover those keys to release the dragons. So make sure none of the dark chocolate gets destroyed early on in this level. It is dark chocolate so will…
  • It is not possible to send a request for help in the "Help a friend pass a level" feature. It is a new test feature in the game which some players have. You can only help others, not ask for help, and get no reward for doing so. Other may help you if you are stuck on a level. If they do some boosters will show up on your…
    in Help Comment by christinewupp June 14
  • Lucky Boards are written into the game by King. They help us pass tricky levels, and when they turn up is part of the game design. Many unrated levels will give a player a lucky board on their second attempt, so don't waste your gold or boosters to keep a win streak early on. Some levels the game will give you a lucky…
  • On legendary levels I usually find: If I am on a win streak I may pass first time using all of the starting boosters. If I fail on my first attempt sometimes I pass on my second attempt using all three starting boosters. After that I always fail, even if I play starting boosters. So I recommend that if you don't pass first…
  • The "Help a Friend" feature is a test feature in only some players' games. It is still being tested but seems to work in a way that it is impossible for anyone to ASK for help. King will give you a selected group of players in your friends list to "help pass a level" by playing it. If you pass their level they get some…
  • You will only find old married women here. This is not a dating site!!
  • You never answered us last time as to what is going on with your game. So I guess you are not going to answer us this time either. Are you creating these levels yourself? Is it all fake? It's not Candy Crush Saga, the game we know, that is for sure.
  • It is not possible to directly ask any other players to help you in your game. The only help we can provide here is tips. The "help a friend" feature is being tested, it involves a player helping another via their friends list. However, it is not reciprocal, so all we can do it help, not ask for help!
  • I have noted this about two weeks ago. It is undoubtedly there to trick you into buying the UFO with your gold, which is a terrible waste. You need to be careful NOT to click the green button! Just click on the red Play button underneath!
  • There is no second key. Those boxes don't unlock. You have to charge the frog again and place in the empty square just above the last caged dragon which will release it.
    in 7052 Comment by christinewupp June 13
  • Where have you heard this? I think you can no longer play the game via the website, so maybe that information was old? I think you have to buy all your boosters via the app.

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