Hi Maryjane117 and sorry you have gotten sour comments. There is an article on this site called "How do I report abuse?" I do not know if I have privileges' to post a link but it is at How do I report abuse? - King Community If you follow the instructions there you should be able to get what you need. You can also report…
Jared - I have never had a hammer blowup a blocker. The game has refused to even put a hammer on a blocker let alone blow it up. I know little about the inflated cost but costs of items have gone up from time to time. One thing I do is to solve all levels without boosters and only use them on Mountain on Friday thru Sunday…
Lynette - a few weeks ago someone posted and I believe you responded about another level that had been very hard and the developers did change it from requiring 7 to 6 to make it more possible. Do you remember what level that was? I think I passed it but am not certain.
Lynette - a few weeks ago someone posted and I believe you responded about another level that had been very hard and the developers did change it from requiring 7 to 6 to make it more possible. Do you remember what level that was?
Lynette - a few weeks ago someone else posted and I believe you responded about another level that had been very hard and the developers did change it from requiring 7 to 6 rescues to make it more possible. Do you remember what level that was?