Have you noticed my comment at that post @kiara_wael? If not, I quote it here for you: Clicking someones link just opens the game, but doesn't add anyone to it. I'm wondering if this mess started because for some reason another useless change was done. Moving the friends-tab to the bottom of the game. Please do get these…
I don't know for how long I'm having this issue, but I can tell you it's not just on my end. There's more people dealing with this. I noticed in my game at least one of my gamingfriends mysteriously disappeared, I haven't removed her, and she hasn't removed me. We've tried several times to get each other back into the game…
Clicking someones link just opens the game, but doesn't add anyone to it. I'm wondering if this mess started because for some reason another useless change was done. Moving the friends-tab to the bottom of the game. Please do get these things sorted. It's the quality of the game that really matters, remember???
It's not working on my end either @QueenB. Clicking someones link just launches the game, but doesn't add anyone to it. I suppose it's just yet another glitch. Please do get it sorted. Have a nice evening…
The link doesn't work. Another issue perhaps???
To me it seems the game is going down as well as this community. Why can't I link another post like I often used to do?
Het schijnt dat ze eraan aan het werken zijn. Zie dit bericht aub:
It still is a very bad move (change). The old way of flagging posts was so much more userfriendly. But, you obviously don't care. Have a nice day.
This just really doesn't make any sense at all. Sorry to say, but you're losing it. It just shows to me how much you care: you don't. Have a nice day.
I was wondering myself as well.