The link (friendship invitation) no longer works, why???
A while back, the friends-section was moved to the bottom of the game for some reason. Could that useless change be the reason why it no longer works to click someones link for friendship-invitation? The game just opens, but nobody is being added to it. What caused this mess? Please do get this sorted. It's the quality of…
What happened to my friends please (leftside scoreboard)?
Tonight I noticed my friends are missing from the score-list. I am connected, I still do see them at the map. This is the Windows10-app, but it's the same when playing through FB. It's like the scoreboard is just incomplete: the leftside is missing. Also with previous levels, there's no leftside. It reminded me of a…
Just a thought about all current issues/problems with the game
I wonder if the crashing, the bake a cake problems, the rescue buddy not working, friends not showing etc. are being caused because of the "Shipmate-event" being added to the game. It doesn't have to be, but I think this happened before. An event being added to the game, and causing problems. That might be something to…
This needs to be looked at, some links aren't working
If I would like to provide the link to someone about how to retrieve lost levels/progress, it says: Discussion not found.The links I'm trying are posted in here: https://community.king.com/en/candy-crush-saga/discussion/247714/are-you-experiencing-issues-with-the-game-check-here-before-posting-in-support#latest Please fix…