Hi Michel, in order to help you further can you tell me which device you are playing on? Thanks :) I use a laptop
No I did not but it does not matter that much. It was working fine and suddenly stopped...It is a good idea to submit it to the moderators to see if that issue has been reported by others, we never know, thanks again.
None of this has worked, well forget about it and thanks for your time.
It flash up and then go away, I know about the 5 lifes and I make sure I have less then 5 when trying and it does not bring me a list of my friend. Thanks again.
I am playing on Facebook and I have tried the troubleshooting but no luck.
I am playing on Facebook and no I did nor try the troubleshooting step, I will give it a try right now.
It would be simplier if they were giving a copy of their dictionary so I can go thru.
I used a laptop
No that's OK, thanks. But if you allow me, I am playing the game in french but there are words that do not exist but are accepted by the game and other word that do exist in french but rejected by the game ! It is quite frustrating.