
Level 3


  • Fix connection to app store for one day, then unable to connect again. Guess they don't want you to use gold bars you win or stop any streaks you have going. I agree with all these comments about how ridiculous this game as gotten. Use to enjoy playing it now don't even care. Play it less and less and can't recommend it to…
  • Still not working. Fix it will you and give everyone what they lost back.
  • Same here. Its ridiculous, you win gold bars can't use them and get a streak going and they take it away. Getting so fed up with this game
  • Just totally impossible level. Gets worse and worse every time I play. Soon I will quit altogether if they don't stop their nonsense. Will advise other players the same,as they font seem to care about customers concerns
  • Agree completely. They don't care about comments,as all they care about is the money. Another level that is to totally ridiculous and undoable. As stated before this game is no longer fun anymore thanks to the undoable levels. Great job of driving away pkayers king.
  • 15010 is the biggest joke of a level yet. Completely undoable. Three weeks and not even close. Time to quit altogether since you only make undoable levels anymore.
  • Another ridiculous level that you can't win. Can't even get close. Thanks king for listening to your players . just another reason to quit game completely. Same old stuff every level anymore. Read your players comments you'd realize you have a big problem .the joke is onus I presume.
  • Thanks king for continuing the impossible levels. What a joke this game has become. 14992 is the latest example. Use to look forward to playing now I don't even care as it just leaves you frustrated. If you have to add 255 moves as an upgrade that should tell you something designers . Listen to your feedback for once…
  • Just down like ridiculous.14989 is impossible. Then they think you'll buy by adding moves mines like up to 255. What a joke this game has become. King don't listen to players. . use to recommend tis game but not anymore,as they make it impossible to beat unless you pay pay pay. Way to tick off players ,..King job well done.
  • 14884 just another of the undoable levels. This is so ridiculous, week after week you see the complaints and they just don't care. All they want you to do is spend spend and spend. Not even enjoyable to play anymore as they've rigged the game to where you can't beat it without spending. I guess they don't read or care what…

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