Yes, this is also true for the party popper and the 10 gold bars for extra moves. I can't tell you how many times I've hit that last one by mistake. I agree wholeheartedly with you, a confirm button option would be great.
I won't use many boosters myself to pass it. Just from past experience I get so annoyed when the level is made easy right after I use a boatload of boosters to pass - drives me nuts! But good on you, I hope you finished in the top 3.
Yeah, no one in my episode race group has passed the finish line yet, highly unusual. I suspect we are all bottle-necked at 4855. Try to resist using too many boosters and definitely don't spend any money. With large numbers of people stuck, they will probably nerf the level sooner rather than later.
Up-voted as well. I remember this game and enjoyed it a lot. The prizes were lots of gold bars, it was great!
That's cool, I just figured out how to post a screen shot, gifs are beyond me at the moment. I need to wait another day before I can play the Duo game again, but I don't really think I need to do 40 levels consecutively to win. If we win it again, the counter will tick up to 41, or if we lose it will reset to one. I have…
@Bianca_Kong You are most welcome, it is my pleasure. I did make a mistake in that post, though. I have added an edit to correct it.
Hmm, does this mean I have to win 40 levels in row to collect next time? Should be marked super duper hard, I think
In my game, once you beat a level but obtain less than 3 stars, they will put the goal as the score to obtain 2 stars, then 3 stars, but you can still win the level with the lower score. And once I get 3 stars on a level, then the target will be whatever the highest score someone has on that level, whether it's my score or…
I don't think you have to win 5 levels consecutively. That 5 win streak logo just refers to the fact that you have completed 5 Duo challenges in a row.
@Elsa Yes, I know, but since the person I replied to had the old bot until new levels were released, it seems likely they are in this testing group. @bearwithme I do half & half - I blast through the first new set of levels to win the episode race and then just do one a day on the second set of levels to gather stickers.