
Level 3


  • Win streak also gone
  • Dissapeared for me aswell but the piggy bank is back which you have to pay for but less gold bars than it used to have
  • The chocolate box came back for 4 days and this morning it has gone again and the piggy bank has returned instead..Only 30 gold bars in it instead of 60 for the same price ..
  • I agree it’s unfair that they make most levels harder after the first few weeks of release..I doubt they made level 9883 any easier either but I’m afraid we just have to accept that out of the 15 levels in an episode usually about 13 of them are insanely hard whether there marked hard or nor,,I’ve found some that are…
  • My daily reward has disappeared aswell but I do have something else which has replaced it..still no chocolate box which is annoying as the hammers from it were very useful especially as I’m on level 9,862 and all levels now are impossible without using boosters
  • Has anyone else’s suddenly disappeared again..I had it back for 3 weeks then it’s gone again.
  • Mine has dissapeared again...great stuff bringing it back only to take it away again....what’s next to go as there isn’t much left now except the daily spin
  • Omg what are king doing..level 9348 had had the moves reduced from 32 to the videos Ive watched the level has been done in 28 moves but 2 days ago they reduced the moves to on earth can you clear everything and get all the cherries down in that amount of moves...level 9347 has been made impossible aswell…
  • 9337 is impossible..Theyve changed it so you now need jellies instead of twists.You have 25 moves but you have to hit the bottom right and top right square at least 9 times to clear the time you clear everything to make room so you might have a chance to hit them your out of moves.If and its a big if that you can…
  • 9337 is impossible..Theyve changed it so you now need jellies instead of twists.You have 25 moves but you have to hit the bottom right and top right square at least 9 times to clear the time you clear everything to make room so you might have a chance to hit them your out of moves.If and its a big if that you can…

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