everything is all right now I got it
I still have 9.9 GB from 16 GB and version 1.28 8.2
יש לי 9.9 ג,"ב מתוך 16 ג"ב גירסה 1.288.2
כן שיניתי את פרטי הסיסמא אבל אינני מקבלת את הרמה שאני משחקת בה 16243 זוהי הרמה, יש מצב שאתם יכולים לנסות להכניס אותי למשחק??
th thank you for your answer well I try to do it many times going today App Store but unfortunately I didn’t make it. I am on level 16243 and playing usually on my iPad and now doesn’t give me the game. Everything is ready when I start on the bottom play it’s loading and start from the beginning and over and over again…
thanks a lot
it’s funny but I did tape double time And it’s not going
game id 8309 Lost all the level Send to email: … *Edited by CM:⛔️ That’s too much personal information. For your own safety and protection, do not share your email address - Our House Rules
Oh yes you’re right I did clear the browser and now I don’t have an error. Thank you but about the iPad are you insist to leave it like a poor portrait because it’s so uncomfortable to play the screen is little now not like four well thank you anyway.
I meant on the iPad. The direction is changed. That’s what I meant. The error on the PC is just suddenly the game stuck and you cannot not continue you need to start the game again and I lose of course the chance to finish the leather every time