Candy Crush not loading in Safari or Chrome on iMac (Safari since Oct 2023)
I play Candy Crush on Chrome through Facebook on an iMac. The game no longer loads in Chrome, this started a couple of days ago. I've been unable to play via Safari since October 2023 as it constantly crashes, and now it doesn't even load. I was told to play via Chrome......what do you suggest now???? I'm not the only…
Candy Crush not loading in Chrome
I play Candy Crush on Chrome through Facebook on an iMac. The game no longer loads in Chrome, this started a couple of days ago. I've been unable to play via Safari since October 2023 as it constantly crashes, and now it doesn't even load. I was told to play via Chrome......what do you suggest now???? I'm not the only…
Facebook Safari, after Sonoma 14 update, still CRASHING!!
This has been going on for nearly a month! Do you have an update on a fix?????
Facebook Safari, after Sonoma 14 update, still CRASHING!!
Come on guys! An update is needed on the progress of sorting this issue. It's been going on for too long!
Bubble gum troll
Hi there, I'm on level 4347 in Candy Crush Saga on Facebook but I've never had the bubblegum troll available even though the 'hint's/tips' on the start up screen says what the troll can do. How do I get access?