Failed level when i haven't
Hi I just completed a hard level, used all my hammers in order to do so. Got all the fruit down but it says i have 1 cherry left but failed me on the level. Done everything that was required. This is highly unfair that it has not passed the level. Please sort this.
Weekly race
I came 2nd in the weekly race but i never got my prizes. Also my bf gets the party time on his levels. The one where you go through the bronze, silver and get the gold bow to activate. This stopped for me about 3 months ago. Seems a bit unfair that its not the same for everyone. Does this happen to anyone else?
Weekly race and party time
I came 2nd in the weekly race and i have not got my rewards. My other half gets party time on his levels where you go through bronze, silver then gold to activate, mine stopped about 3 months ago . Why did mine stop?
Rewards/ challenges
Hi all. Been playing this for a week now and i need help on rewards and challenges. Im used to candy crush, and those rewards you get things like hammers and jazzies which are most helpful. This game it just looks like filling up the meters on characters etc or a blue lightning packet thing which i have completed but…