Can you get to the number
100 using
ALL of
these cards? You can add, subtract, multiply, divide...If you don't make it to 100, let's see comes closest to that number!
1.- You must use
all the cards listed below
2.- You can use each of them only
once3.- The ace counts as 1
4.- You can multiply, divide, add, subtract
5.- If you do not get exactly 100, try to get as close as possible; 99 is as good as 101.
Here's my try as an example: 3 x
8 = 24
24 +
6 = 30
30 x
5 = 150
10 -
1 = 9
9 x
7 = 63
150 - 63 = 87
🌟I'm sure you can do it much better!!🌟

We will randomly pick 5 players who get to 100 exactly; if no one does, we'll pick them among the ones who come closest to 100.
The winners will get 20 Gold Bars for their Pyramid Solitaire Saga game 
Please write down your answer (all the operations you use to get to 100) and use the spoiler feature like on the picture below. Only players who use the spoiler will be eligible for the reward:

You have until Monday, the 27th of January, 13.00 CET to participate!
You can read the Terms and Conditions