Anyone else getting “no internet connection” all of a sudden?
I can’t seem to get I to the arena the last hour but had no trouble before that. Even off wifi it won’t connect? 😩
Awesome friendly players
I just thought I’d make a positive post to recognise all the lovely, friendly players out there. At the end of the day this is a game to have fun! I don’t understand why so many are rude and bad sports. I just played against a player named Satria and they were so friendly to play against. Feel free to list any great…
Matching algorithm suggestion
I've been playing RC for a long while now, and something that seems to happen with REALLY frustrating regularity is getting matched with people running both of the special lollipop boosters. All. The. Time. When you're only using the free booster/blocker, it is literally impossible to win against that combo, and it never…
Unnecessary blockers!
Unnecessary blockers though?! 🤔 How many of us play opponents who only have a couple of their jelly to get & they come across & block! Grinds my gears 😤..Just know that if you do that to me then you won't get your full points coz I disconnect straight away! #soreloser 🤣
What’s up with that
Ever played against yourself? AND LOST?!!
Little but if a rant here
So, I had won my 4th win, with one more to go before next level. I win the 4th match, pick my “weapons” for 5th match, then screen goes weird and freezes. When it wakes up, it says I lost the match, (being the 4th match) and it sets me back to no wins on that level. What the eff???!!! I’m so annoyed with stuff like this…
Candy Crush Saga Levels 2001 to 2100
Candy Crush Saga Level 2001 Candy Crush Saga Level 2002 Candy Crush Saga Level 2003 Candy Crush Saga Level 2004 Candy Crush Saga Level 2005 Candy Crush Saga Level 2006 Candy Crush Saga Level 2007 Candy Crush Saga Level 2008 Candy Crush Saga Level 2009 Candy Crush Saga Level 2010 Candy Crush Saga Level 2011 Candy Crush Saga…
Bonuses in Royal Championship
How do you get the fish ball and brick bonuses in the Royal Championship? I've seen other players using them so I know it's possible, but I never seem to get them. I've won loads of rounds, so I don't think it's that - it just cycles through the same bonuses after you get through the sevens a few times and it doesn't seem…
arena games/ competition
the arena games are getting worse.. the forever ongoing no internet available… game was not fair lately… and apparently you can loose with boosters especially double boosters😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒
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