King cheats and games are rigged
First, I used to like playing your "Royal" championships till I realised your a bunch of*. I will never pay money for you to rig the games you *. Hope you all * *Edited by CM:🤨 Hold on a bit! Please remember to be sweet and kind - Our House Rules
RC sucks!
It's called if you don't spend money to play the you don't win! The only ones that pay to wins! Simple as that!
What A Birthday Gift! My Very First Cruise!
@holliedolly2002, @Nikolaos_Prodromidis, And my Royal Community family, my Birthday is November 20th and my Sister from another Mother is giving me an even greater gift than the already great gifts that she gives. Starting tomorrow I will be on a five day cruise with her and her family to Cozumel Mexico! This is my very…
Hi @Nikolaos_Prodromidis @NatalieG @Nadia1770 As you know I only play one board but with the news of the RC permanently closing decided that today I may play just for old times' sake - however, it's not available for me. Is this the case for you guys? My theory is that because the Studio know I rarely play I think they may…
Why do people block before a win? :(
Ugh. I can’t stand it when someone is obviously about to win and still wastes time placing a block on me. Is it prolong the agony? Why people why??!
Peacock Moments!
Hi Jelly friends! 😍 Lets share our moments of peacock levels! Peacock badges are the following: We call them so here in the forum, while this is not an official name for them! So, you can post here screenshots of your activity in the "peacock" levels, or if you play against an opponent who has a peacock badge!! 😀
So there are Millions of Players
They say the algorithm is random... How do I always play this person? This is within 2 weeks....
Deliberately making you lose.
I have told you repeatedly that I will be coming for you legally after documenting the cheating and unfair business practices tour company uses. Right now, it is about to get epic with the way you are attempting to have lose 1st place. All of my opponents have more powerful tools and get too many beneficial runs. Let's see…
Changes in graphics and bugs! 🤯🤖👽🎃
Hi Jellies! Yesterday entering R.C. I noticed some changings in graphics! This is obvious on the leaderboard screen, where there is a different and larger font: Than it used to be formerly: The second change is a nice animation when player opens the leaderboard screen! Chests are animated: There is also a new popup screen:
Royal championship
How do you leave the game early