How we can make a team.
Hi. Am Mubashir Ali. Kindly some one can me explain that how we can chat with friends in this game.just what's app Edited by CM: Please do not share your personal information. Check out our House Rules!
Level 14314 Help!
Anyone have any pointers for level 14314? I’ve used all my boosters, have no gold bars left and the store doesn’t work. What is the secret to pass this level? I’ve been playing it for days and can’t anywhere close.
Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules
Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules
Why are the packages for me to buy so expensive?
WHY are there political ads
For the love of all that is good, please stop with the political ads. If I wanted to see this garbage, I'd watch the news.
So hard level
level 475 is so hard
Why I did not receive any of my requested live? 3rd time request but still did not receive from anyone.
Why close the ads after buying lives? Where are my ads?
Why close the ads after I buy lives? Bring the ads back. You always do the same thing
Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English
*Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules
Flash Emulator
@PrettyBubbles Please can you forward this higher up and ask on why King can’t use Flash Emulator for the games on Royal Games? Other gaming sites use Flash Emulator so why can’t it be used for Royal Games?