Why have all my events disappeared? I haven’t had any for days and days.
Extra lives
What happened to all the lives from your friends? Why can they not be stored and collected 5 at a time like usually? I can’t ask for them till I am out, why? i really think we need to get the old setting back, or am I doing something wrong?
I’m not receiving what I paid for. The 2.99 deal offered 20 gold bars and 45 min. I only got 20 gold bars
Beating a Level?
One of my favorite aspects of this game is when I clear the board of all the obstacles, but I actually am unable to complete the level because I did not enough obstacle to develop…so much strategy 🤪 Dumb! 😂
King players
I play Every day yet I never see any activity posted! Where should I look?
Game not downloading on my Facebook
All of a sudden my game won't load on facebook. It says its downloading and then a screen comes up that says page unavailable.
Join Syn Circle, my custom team!!!😸
Hey Crushers!! I'm a long time player but new to the community. I created a fantastic five custom team and would love to have you as a player on my team! I'm an active, avid crusher and look forward to building a team of other competitive players. So come join me for some awesome fun!😸🌈🎉 ~Sakicat2018
Edited by CM: Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand!
Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand! Check out our House Rules!