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This is the most UN FRIENDLY PLACE on the internet I cant post anything or get my 1000 batch what a fraude
Update 14 February 2022 As of today all in-game purchases on have now been disabled. If you currently have boosters on your account, we encourage you to use these before the 31st of March 2022 when the games will no longer be playable on Dear Community, After some consideration, we have made the difficult…
I have been playing this game since it started and I been stuck. I been running out of level. They only come out every Wednesday. 20 level is not enough per week.
Hi everyone! How are you crushing on? 😆 Have you started exploring other King's games besides the one you normally play? Tell us your most bizarre "OMG" moment when you're playing King's games. It can be anything from making the wrong moves, hitting the wrong button in the game, dropping your phone etc. Share with us your…
Please can any help me delete my king account please
👑No account? Sign up here to join! New here? Check out here to get started!👑 Hello Everyone. There are many types of music that you can listen to! Like: Rock, if you're feeling like rocking n' rolling 🎸 Jazz, if you're feeling jazzy 🎷 or EDM, if you're feeling like dancing music 💃🕺 What type of music do you like and listen…
I would like to know why I don't get ads to get boosters anymore? Had it happened to anyone here ? I was used to watch them until last week, but suddenly it stopped to be shown Can anybody help me ?
Hello I am new to the community can anyone update me about what’s going on in the building ??
Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Check our House Rules
*Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules
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