Introducing New Happy Birthday Gifs By Lisa L and Nico G and also along with @Leflarcane
Hello King Community Members, I joined the King Community earlier this year and met @Nico_G and @EOTheGr8. When I met them I had absolutely no idea how to create a single gif and i never thought of myself as artistic but I have really enjoyed learning how to make the Gifs from both of them. @EOTheGr8 Thanks so much for…
No internet connection
I have full internet connection but bubblewitch keeps saying i havent so cant collect gifts and spells why? HELP plz thanks rob
Meow, Woof, Squeak - If pets began talking, which pet are you going choose? 🐶🐱🐰
Hey everyone! Pets Need the vets, So, jump on the jets. 😋 You are walking out and about and see a new pet shop, not just any pet shop. The one that has talking pets, whaaat?😅 For the fun and laughs. Which talking pet are you going to choose? ⤵️ A... Or is there any other talking pet that you would want? Ready, steady, go!…
Double, double toil and trouble………….
It’s almost time for Halloween! Two years ago I created a bunch of Halloween messages for all of our community members. Below please find the links and feel free to read them at your leisure. Then please come back here and share something Halloween with all of us. You can share anything from the topics below or whatever…
Hello, I updated the app and lost THOUSANDS of boosts/lollipops/and switches… what can I do to get them back???
What reactions or likes are you missing in the Community? Give us feedback!
Insightful 💡 Sweet 🍬 Hehe 😆 That's the reactions or likes we have in the Community at this moment. Is there any other reactions that you are missing and would like to have added to these three? Maybe a Love button? Or is it a Say whoa'? that's missing after seeing shocking news? Maybe it's all drama going on again and you…
The King Animators is now presenting …………. an Autumn/Fall collection!
For the majority of our community members here you are now beginning the Autumn/Fall season. With that comes apple picking, pumpkin picking, and festivals. Oh, I almost forgot about the falling leaves and raking! But for children, and some adults, this season also represents jumping into a pile of leaves. Yet, in other…
Double, double toil and trouble………….
It’s almost time for Halloween! On one mystic, magic night, Jack O Lanterns glowing bright, kids with bags of candy sweet, roam door to door and street to street, all dressed up for trick or treat! Wizards with wands, pirates with hooks, monsters and clowns with spooky looks, kings and queens with capes and crowns, a…
I'm Mustafa Morshed
* My WhatsApp number *Edited by CM:⛔️ That’s too much personal information - Our House Rules
One Year Anniversary🎉🎊🍾
Oh! How time flies so fast It’s been a year since i joined this lovely community.. . This is the best opportunity to say Thank you ! Many kind people and friends i have met during those wonderful times.. Looking forward for more years to interact with you guys ☺️ See you in number games, contests, polls etc. Thank you 😊 🤗🎉🎊